
Yes it is important to read NCERT before appearing in upsc civil service examination because it will help you immensely it builds your knowledge Why You cannot build a great building on a weak foundation. If the UPSC Civil Service Exam is the superstructure, then NCERTs are the bases.

You should read them because:

1. They help start the habit of learning, with topics that converge with the demands of UPSC.

2. They are written in very simple language and from a neutral perspective.

3. UPSC aims to provide a level playing field for all. These books are inexpensive, easily accessible everywhere for all, regardless of economic status or location.

4. Annually, at least 30-35 questions are directly asked from NCERTs.

5. In today’s era flooded with vast information, NCERT books filter the excesses, making them time and content efficient.

6. If you plan to choose a humanities optional but come from a non-humanities background, these books make it easier to choose an optional subject according to your personality.

When When should you read them?

The answer is simple: from the very first day you decide to become an officer. Before buying essential reference books or joining any academy, complete the NCERTs. The UPSC syllabus will seem much easier. Spend the first 2-3 months of your preparation focusing on NCERTs only.

How Choose a single subject for a limited timeframe.

Suppose you want to prepare history. Then start from class 6 books, move to class 7, next class 8, 9, 10, 11, and finally class 12 gradually.

While reading:

1. Underline in the first reading.

2. Read and optimize the underlined content in the second reading.

3. Make short notes in the third reading.

4. Then rely on notes, not the book.

5. Revise them monthly.

6. After some revisions, aim to revise the entire subject from class 6 to class 12 in only 4-5 hours.

7. Remember, it’s not about completing the NCERTs, but remembering key concepts and facts for mains and prelims.

The most important NCERT books are:


– Class 12: Themes in Indian History I, II, and III (new syllabus)

– Class 12: Modern India (old syllabus) – Class 11: Ancient India, Medieval India (old syllabus)

Art & Culture

– Class 11: An Introduction to Indian Art


– Class 7: Our Environment – Class 8: Resources and Development – Class 11: Fundamentals of Physical Geography – Class 11: India – Physical Environment – Class 12: Fundamentals of Human Geography – Class 12: India – People and Economy


– Class 10: Understanding Economic Development – Class 11: Indian Economic Development – Class 12: Introductory Macroeconomics


– Class 9: Democratic Politics I – Class 10: Democratic Politics II – Class 11: Indian Constitution at Work – Class 11: Political Theory – Class 12: Contemporary World Politics – Class 12: Politics in India Since Independence


– Class 12: Social Change & Development in India – Class 11: Sociology: Understanding Society – Class 12: Indian Society

Environment and Ecology

– Class 12: Biology: Last four chapters (13 to 16) – Chapters on Biotechnology

What to prepare from them:

  • History: Read it from a timeline perspective. Focus on facts for prelims and context for mains.
  • Geography: Learn all the maps, rivers, mountain ranges, and passes mentioned in the books.
  • Art & Culture: The 11th standard book is crucial for GS 1 paper.

  • Polity: Read from an essay-writing perspective. Focus on philosophical lines based on facts.
  • Sociology: Understand the current dynamics of Indian society. Read according to social issues in the mains syllabus, with a focus on women, children, class, caste, and other deprived sections.
  • Environment and Biology: Every year, 10-12 questions are asked from this area. Link them with current global trends.

Now you have a clear picture. Start the foundation early so that you can reach the top early.

The most popular items in exams for UPSC

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