Gandhi's first name was Mohandas. "Mahatma," meaning "great soul," is a title of respect, first used by his friend Pranjivan Mehta in a 1909 letter, long before Gandhi's global fame.t
Gandhi married at thirteen in 1883. He and his wife had five children, four of whom survived.
In 1888, Gandhi studied law in London during the Jack the Ripper killings and joined the Vegetarian Society.
Gandhi's shyness and stage fright impacted his early career, leading him to give up a case and return his fee.
Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Ambulance Corps to help wounded British troops during the Boer War, despite his concerns about colonialism..
Gandhi's iconic attire change in 1921 promoted the boycott of foreign-made clothes and embraced khadi, reshaping his image.
Gandhi and Tolstoy shared a deep friendship based on non-violence, exchanging letters until Tolstoy's death, possibly his final communication.